Sigmund Lindner GmbH
Glitters and scattering are used in almost all materials with shimmering effects such as plastic covers of mobile phones, paints and sprays, eye shadows, etc. They are also commonly used for decorative purposes such as Christmas ornaments, scattering in shop windows and even “dewdrops” on artificial flowers.
On 1. March 2008, representatives of Ginzel, s.r.o. and with Sigmund Lindner GmbH signed the representation forthe Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Poland for SiLibeads and SiLiglit products. Our company sells and distributes products of Sigmund Lindner GmbH and provides competent professional service and advice.
Orders can be sent to the following address:
Husovo nám.12
267 12 Loděnice u Berouna
tel: +420 311 671 768 nebo 769
fax: +420 311 671 105
Ordered goods will be transported or sent (depending on the size of delivery) directly to your address in the shortest possible time. We believe that our products and services will suit your specialised processing requirements.